Awakening collectively

After half a century of self-inquiry, searching for a language in which to express my evolving experience of what it means to be human, compared to machines with so-called artificial intelligence (AI), I have written a harmonious quartet of two-page articles summarizing my understanding, as my previous blog post announces.

The primary reason why we don’t teach our children what it means to be human is that parents and teachers don’t know, because, in turn, their parents and teachers did not know, back through the generations. So, we live in ignorance of what is causing scientists and technologists to drive the pace of scientific discovery and technological development at unprecedented exponential rates of acceleration.

This is like driving along the highway faster and faster with our eyes closed, at best partially open, not very sensible. We can awaken to what is happening to humanity at the present time by acknowledging that the Totality of Existence consists of two inseparable regions, a material domain, which is mistakenly called universe, and a vastly more extensive nonmaterial realm, which is inaccessible to our physical senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.

This I call the Cosmic Psyche, containing the cognitive maps and mathematical structures that build our institutions and guide our daily lives. But, at present, these maps are deeply fragmented and so do not answer the fundamental questions of human existence, such as Who are we? Where have we come from? Where are we going? So, it is not surprising that we are a species that has lost its way, as the popular spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle pointed out in A New Earth.

However, no teachers can tell us what it means to be human, which we can only learn through creative self-inquiry, complementing our traditional spiritual practices. For we are all unique beings, following our own particular paths in life, much influenced by our relationships with families, friends, and associates. So, if we are to awaken in our communities, we need to do so en masse, generating the synergy of relationships we need to be free of the constraints on our learning imposed on us by the cultures within which we were born and live today.

For my part, I have spent many years developing a coherent Glossary of terms that we could use to communicate to each other in the eschatological Age of Light. The Glossary traces the etymology of words back to their Proto-Indo-European (PIE) roots as much as possible. It does so at the suggestion of David Bohm, my principal scientific mentor, who aptly called such studies the archaeology of language.

Most significantly, the Glossary unifies God and universe, denoting the contextual concepts for theology and science, respectively, in the beautiful Sanskrit word Satchitānanda ‘Bliss of Absolute Truth and Consciousness’. With such a Cosmic understanding, grounded in union with the Divine, we then discover that our forebears lived much closer to Nature and Reality than most are able to do today.

However, the website that contained this hyperlinked lexicon was hacked in April 2024, and I do not have the skills or resources to rebuild it. So, if I am to communicate what I have learnt about the psychodynamics of society over the years, I would appreciate some assistance from Drupal web developers in reconstructing the Glossary, revising it as necessary, as we collectively awaken to our True Nature as humans.