We all live in two worlds, the superficial and profound—the mundane and mystical. On the secondary surface is the physical universe, accessed through our five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Conventional scientists call this external world of outer space and time the cosmos, which is but one per cent of the Universe—the Totality of Existence turned into one whole.
In my experience, I explore the primary profundity of the Universe with self-inquiry, observed and mapped with Self-reflective Intelligence. For me, Divine Intelligence—the ability to see both sides of any situation—is the eyesight of Universal Consciousness, which provides the brilliant coherent light we need to view the Cosmic Psyche holographically.
So we can call students of the ninety-nine per cent of the Universe that is hidden from our somatic senses Cosmic Psychologists, healing deep wounds in the cultural psyche, which arise from humanity’s apparent separation from Divinity and the long-running war between materialistic, mechanistic science and the organized religions.
Having realized the mystical Eternal Truth that sets us free in direct, immediate, Gnostic experience, there is then nothing to prevent the irrepressible power of Life from helping us to cocreate the life-enhancing social institutions we need to live in Love, Peace, and harmony with each other for as long as we humans dwell on our beautiful planet Earth.
For living in two worlds at once—the final step in Joseph Campbell’s transcultural seventeen-step model of the spiritual journey—shows us that evolution has just passed through the most momentous turning point in its fourteen billion-year journey since the most recent big bang. Humanity is thus being carried to evolution’s glorious culmination in the Age of Light, much as the scientific mystic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin prophesied in The Human Phenomenon, despite much evidence to the contrary in the daily media.