By understanding the root cause of conflict and suffering in the world, I continue to seek World Peace by uploading two further chapters in my final book on Unifying Mysticism and Mathematics, whose subtitle is To Realize Love, Peace, Wholeness, and the Truth, with these covers. For we cannot find genuine Inner Peace without ending the long-running war between science and religion, recognizing that God and the Universe are a single, undivided Being, inseparable from us as humans.
This also means recognizing that there is a primary-secondary relationship between the Eastern mystical and Western scientific worldviews, much easier for those imbued with Eastern spirituality than for those educated in the West. However, being a pandit, as a scholar of the scriptures, can also act as a hindrance to realizing the Truth that sets us free.
Following the first chapter titled ‘Business Modelling’, Chapter 2 is titled ‘Integral Relational Logic’, showing how, by starting afresh at the very beginning, these multidimensional business modelling methods have evolved into the commonsensical art and science of thought and consciousness we all implicitly use everyday to form concepts and organize our ideas.
This holographic, nonaxiomatic mathematical logic has emerged in consciousness through introspection to answer the most critical unanswered question in science: What is causing scientists and technologists, aided and abetted by computer technology, to drive the pace of scientific discovery and technological development at unprecedented exponential rates of acceleration?
As Integral Relational Logic has evolved from the modelling methods that information systems architects in business use to build the transcultural, transdisciplinary Internet, it can be used to integrate all knowledge in all cultures and disciplines into a coherent whole, thereby healing the fragmented mind and split psyche in Wholeness.
Most significantly, Integral Relational Logic enables us to admit synergistic, psychospiritual energies into rational thought, initiated by the Divine Power of Life, called Prāna in Sanskrit, emerging from Ākāsha, as the Æther, undetectable by our physical senses.
We are thus empowered to complete the final revolution in science, unifying the nonphysical and physical energies at work in the Universe, just as Johannes Kepler and Isaac Newton completed the first in the 1600s with New Astronomy, The Harmony of the World, and Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.
To illustrate the taxonomic power of Integral Relational logic in action, Chapter 3 ‘From Zero to Transfinity’ shows how mathematics can be viewed as a generative science of beautiful patterns and relationships, emerging directly from the Divine Origin of the Universe, free from its axiomatic, linear constraints.
Beginning with Zero, related to Shūnyāta ‘Emptiness’ in Buddhism, it then gives an overview of the principal classes of number, from natural numbers and integers, through rationals and reals, to complex numbers, quaternions, and octonians. After many centuries of struggle to accept all these different types of number, their discovery indicates that human learning is reaching its natural conclusion, for there are no more major classes of number to be revealed.
The second section covers the operators between numbers, beginning with counting, addition, and multiplication and their inverses. It then shows how exponentiation and ever-increasingly powerful operators lead to gigantically enormous finite numbers, which never reach infinity.
The final two sections show how mathematicians generally look at infinite and infinitesimal numbers. The first of these describes the rather confused psychohistory of the infinitesimal calculus, at the core of quantitative, mechanistic science. It offers some fresh insights into the concepts of functional continuity and the continuum of the reals from the perspective of the Absolute Continuum.
Section four shows how Georg Cantor’s transfinite numbers, as infinities of infinities, lead naturally to Transfinity, called in Sanskrit Satchitānanda ‘Bliss of Absolute Truth and Consciousness’, transcending the paradoxes that have so troubled mathematicians since the late 1800s. For in this Divine, Nondual manner, there is then no longer any separation between mathematics and mysticism, or between any other opposites.
This wonderful unification leads to a comprehensive science of humanity, as the solution to the ultimate problem of thousands of years of human learning at evolution’s glorious culmination, known as its Omega Point, inseparable from its Alpha Point at the Still Centre of the Cosmos.
There are then no longer any divisions between the sciences and the humanities, which are all aspects of transdisciplinary Panosophy or the Unified Relationships Theory. This is popularly known as the perplexing Theory of Everything, which is elusive because of the mistaken belief that the Universe consists only of what is accessible to our five physical senses.
We can only understand what is happening to us all at the present time by looking inwards with unconditioned Self-reflective Intelligence, which is also necessary to comprehend Unifying Mysticism and Mathematics, as a mirror for what is within.
From a personal perspective, the principal purpose of Unifying Mysticism and Mathematics is to find God through science, as the subtitle indicates: To Realize Love, Peace, Wholeness, and the Truth. Such an awakening, liberating process is absolutely essential to deal equanimously with the near-term extinction of Homo sapiens, most probably through abrupt climate change.
I describe an overview of this critical global situation in the Epilogue, making some suggestions on how we could resolve the greatest existential crisis that our species has faced since our forebears set out thousands of years ago to seek an understanding of what it means to be human in relationship to God and the Universe.
Specifically, with Gens X, Y, and Z likely to be the last generations of children to be born on our beautiful planet Earth, we now have only a few months to complete the final revolution in science, helping them to see how they should have been educated to live with the unprecedented rate of evolutionary change that scientists and technologists are unknowingly driving today.
For it is not generally known that fourteen billion years of evolution passed through its Accumulation Point in chaos theory terms in 2004, give or take a couple of years, explaining why the world is degenerating into chaos at the moment, with rising isolationism, ultranationalism, and demagogical populism.
In my experience, there is only one way to deal with the polarization that is dividing groups of humans against each other: to live in harmony with the fundamental law of the Universe, recognizing that opposites are never separate from each other in Reality. Heraclitus aptly called this universal, irrefutable truth the Hidden Harmony, which Aristotle denied, sending Western thought into the cul-de-sac it has reached today.
Yet, even though an awakening minority live in twilight, with the majority in darkness, perhaps it is still possible to disperse the clouds that inhibit us from realizing in the depth of our beings that the brilliant light of Cosmic Consciousness is Ultimate Reality. By realizing that we are all interconnected with each other, perhaps a miracle could still happen before our inevitable demise, helping us realize our True Nature in kindness and compassion for each other, collectively revealing God as Stillness, Presence, Love, Peace, Wholeness, and the Truth.